Turkey does not recognize Russia's annexation of the "Crimean Peninsula"

Turkey does not recognize Russia's annexation of the "Crimean Peninsula"

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said that it does not recognize the fait accompli regarding Russia's annexation of Crimea, which is a violation of international law."
This was stated in a statement issued by the Ministry, Saturday, on the tenth anniversary of Russia's illegal annexation of the "Crimea
"It has been 10 years since the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea was annexed to the Russian Federation in an illegal referendum held on March 16, 2014.
The statement stressed that Turkey will continue to monitor developments in the "Crimea" peninsula.
In its statement, the foreign ministry reiterated Turkey's non-recognition of the imposition of a fait accompli in the "Crimea" peninsula, which is a violation of international law, and also renewed its support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine
After a unilateral referendum held on March 16, 2014, Russia annexed to its territory the "Crimean Peninsula" belonging to Ukraine, which was not recognized by the international community, and was followed by the imposition of sanctions on Moscow by the European Union, the United States and a number of countries.


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