The Israeli army blamed a terrorist group, resulting in the death of 6 soldiers

The Israeli army blamed a terrorist group, resulting in the death of 6 soldiers

The Turkish forces continue to strengthen their presence in the areas of operations across the southern borders of the country, and among the efforts exerted is to prevent the establishment of any terrorist entities in this area.In this context, the forces stationed to secure the area were attacked by a terrorist gang, resulting in the death of a Turkish soldier and the injury of four others
The Turkish Ministry of National Defense (MSB) issued a statement in this regard, in which it clarified the details of the incident that occurred in the area of operation
The statement stated that the Turkish forces responded to the infiltration attempt and the terrorist attack decisively, resulting in the neutralization of 6 terrorists according to the preliminary information available
The dead soldier and the injured were immediately taken to the hospital to receive the necessary treatment, while military operations continue in the region to ensure security and stability.


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