Bus rollover accident injures driver and 14 students in amber Marash

Bus rollover accident injures driver and 14 students in amber Marash


In an unfortunate incident in the bazarcik District of the city of Kahraman Marash, a minibus carrying students of Karagul middle school was involved in a rollover accident. As a result of this accident, the driver and 14 students were injured.

According to reports, the bus, which has the registration plate 27 AAR 568 and is operated by the driver known as N, went missing.Y., Took control and rolled in the Yukari-hojoklo neighborhood of the Pazardzhik region.

The authorities immediately responded to the incident by sending several ambulance teams to the site, from where the injured were taken to the Pazardzhik State Hospital for treatment. Initial reports indicate that the condition of the injured is good, which alleviates the concern of their families and the local community.

The governor of Pazardzhik, Mehmet Kaya, and the mayor of Pazardzhik, Ibrahim yilmazgan, visited the injured in the hospital, where they expressed solidarity with them and wished them a speedy recovery. They also received first-hand information from the medical team about their condition.

The authorities are conducting an extensive investigation to determine the causes of the accident and establish responsibilities, with the aim of preventing the recurrence of such unfortunate incidents in the future.


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